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Dave, Age 32 - May 2024 - Sorry it's been so long! Life has been very busy but good busy. My mental health and whole general wellbeing has been so much better since we did that work a few months back. I've been meaning to reach out and say thank you so much for your help just things kept getting in the way. I honestly can't put into words how much the rewind therapy and your advise has put me at ease.


Since our last session I've sold my business, gone self employed doing work I actually love and in 2 weeks I leave the UK for good having the ability now to work fully remote from anywhere in the world which has been my dream for years. I now have a clear head and conciencious. Don't know if this would be possible without the support of my family and the work we've done. I can actually say I'm happy and mean it so just wanted you to know that. 


I appriciate you typically see your patients at their worst moments so thought it would be nice to share this.


I'm sure things won't be picture perfect forever but I feel like you've given me the tools to tackle life now. I'll be sure to book another appointment if things change.

32 year old South West Ambulance client.

Elaine helped me immensely in only one session! Before I was suffering recurrent nightmares every night that made me fearful to close my eyes at night. The nightmares’ related to a traumatic experience that happened while working front line in the emergency services several years ago and Elaine quickly established how she could help me best using rewind therapy. I am one week after my session and I no longer dread the thoughts and can sleep so well and haven’t had a disturbed night sleep since! I cant recommend Elaine highly enough, she was completely understanding and set my at ease from the start, and most importantly so easy to talk to. If you're looking for someone to help you process something you are in the right place!!!

Just emailing to say I have consistently heard fantastic feedback about one of your therapists, Elaine Curtin.  Numerous staff with PTSD and trauma have  been forthcoming by naming her specifically to me, saying she has made a huge difference, and they have found her extremely valuable.  I have heard it so many times I felt she deserved the recognition! 

Red Poppy Agency on behalf of their fire service client.

Many thanks for helping me come to terms with my stroke and the stress induced exit from work... engaged by how open, rational and straightforward the process was... gained a lot of confidence by you being such an effective listener, regularly replaying and clarifying what I had said...amazed by how quickly and effectively the therapy worked...due to you being so articulate and imaginative and able to seamlessly direct my “waking” dream during the counselling... able to move on from and also of being able to revisit past events without distress. I really valued our time together; felt I learnt a lot from you and really appreciated your empathetic and non judgemental counselling.
56 year old Red Poppy Business Client

"I was a daily smoker for about 15 years. I didn't have a 20-a-day habit, but knew I felt dependent, particularly to help me sleep. I saw Elaine initially to break my dependence on smoking to help me relax and sleep. Elaine showed me breathing exercises, which helped immensely. This meant when I felt I 'needed' a cigarette, I could calm my mind with the exercises and the moment of 'craving' soon passed. I then realised that I wanted to stop altogether. One session with Elaine enabled me to do this, and I can't thank her enough. This is a powerful, no-nonsense approach to changing areas of your life when you are ready."
41yr old woman, smoking addiction

I would like to say how amazing Elaine is, throughout our time she was so professional, compassionate and caring while using the Human Givens style of counselling.  I'm certainly in a far better place.

Red Poppy Agency on behalf of their fire service client.

"Elaine is amazing and has a great heart. She is warm and welcoming and has some great healing tools and techniques. I have enjoyed working with her and she has helped me a lot in a short time."

29yr old man, anxiety

"After suffering for as long as I can remember with a fear of heights which stopped me, according to friends enjoying fantastic sights and stunning views I decided to do something about it. I had one treatment session with Elaine after which I had no idea whether it would work or not.

On returning to Italy I went to a high mountain built castle at which previously I had not been able to step out onto a safe platform that looked over the local village. I achieved my goal of reaching the edge and looked over without the original feelings. I then climbed higher and went to the very top which I would not have done without the treatment. I have since been even higher into the mountains and looked over into valleys and at stunning views. Yes, my friends were right. I had missed out. Thank you Elaine, life is so much nicer now."

59yr old man, Fear of Heights


"Elaine has the most wonderful way of putting you at ease. Her incredible, sincere warmth is immensely encouraging when you're
 sharing very personal, difficult issues. My sessions with this
 technique have enabled me to process old events which were
 having a negative effect on my current thinking and way of relating 
to certain people in my life. I can't thank her enough. After a few 
weeks, the events which had been troubling me seemed somehow
 ‘lighter’ and much more manageable. Getting a positive
 perspective on this has been a life changer! Thank you so much."

46yr old woman, trauma and anxiety

"Elaine worked with me after speaking with her about the anxiety and brain fog I had been experiencing following a breakdown the previous year. I was beginning to experience significant death anxiety, which was beginning to encroach upon my daily life.

Elaine did two thorough and brilliant sessions with me, during which she
helped me to ‘rewind’. After the first session I noticed a subtle difference in my anxiety level and after the second time I noticed a profound change in my anxiety levels. The death anxiety also diminished significantly. Elaine is a very compassionate and gifted therapist. She clearly explained to me what was happening in my brain to cause fog and the anxiety, and she adeptly worked with me to give me tricks and tools to move beyond the anxious place I felt stuck in. I would recommend Elaine to anyone who has suffered from depression or mental health challenges. She brings to her work an incredible amount of experience, insight and understanding, thus Elaine’s sessions have a depth and sensitivity about them. Thank you Elaine!"

41yr old woman, trauma and anxiety

Elaine's help has been invaluable to the healing of my physical,
 emotional and mental health over the past year. I was experiencing anxiety in all aspects of my life, which is now gone. She has helped me resolve several past traumas that had affected me for many years. To be free of these has meant I can finally move forward in my life and emerge and accept my own happiness. I have recommended Elaine to several people and she’s also helped enable their healing. I’m so grateful to her and wholeheartedly recommend Elaine to anyone who is suffering with
the pain of trauma and anxiety."
58yr old woman, trauma, anxiety and depression

Her mother said: "Congratulations Elaine! Not only did she smash her 1.41m high jump nemesis with intent, she managed 2 personal bests on top. She cleared 1.47m. Almost got 1.50m - she was jumping like she meant it! But she’s one happy girl. In the competition - which was a 6 event hexathlon over 2 days - national championship - she came a brilliant 8th out of 39 girls overall - phew! Thank you!"
Track Athlete, 14 yrs old, with a block on high jump


Elaine helped me during a difficult court attendance. She was a fantastic calm influence, helping me to focus on breathing and creating a positive outlook. I went to court feeling positive, confident and calm - something which I never thought would have been possible. Thank you Elaine.

51yr old woman, confidence building

It's been great meeting Elaine - and thank you for your time,
thoughtfulness and guidance. It's all been really helpful in
breaking some deadlock. I'm still not quite sure where I'm going
 with it all yet but I can definitely see some change is required...
52yr old man, depression

If you have a question or are unsure about whether therapy or counselling is right for you, please ask Elaine

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